Show Categories

Hallo Community,

should anyone of you want to change or edit the links in the dropdown menu in the header of the forum - here is the way I did it:

  • First step - go to admin backend / UIElements / Blocks:6062ef19335a9

  • Next step - create a new block and use the same settings like on my screenshot:6062ef193d6e9

  • Final step - here you can see my code example. Change it to fit your needs and thats it:

<li class='dropdown codo_dropdown'>
<span class='codo_menu_dropdown dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown'>Navigation</span>
<ul class='dropdown-menu' role='menu'>
<li class='dropdown-item'><a href='../'>Home</a></li>
<li class='dropdown-item'><a href=''>Members</a></li>
<li class='dropdown-item'><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=''>Our Discord</a></li>
<li class='dropdown-item'><a href=''>ARC</a></li>
<li class='dropdown-item'><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=''>Neverwinter WIKI</a></li>
<li class='dropdown-item'><a href=''>Privacy / DSGVO</a></li>
- <li class='dropdown-item'><a href=''>Impressum / Imprint</a></li>

I hope it will help you smile

Kind regards, Andy smile

recent by admin  ·  Mar 31 '21 at 8:53 am


I want to have a custom profile field on my users profiles, however there is no option to have it appear on the profile but not being able to edit it in user settings

It's either, have both (display and editable) or how neither.

Is there anyway I can just have a custom profile feature be displayed on the profile, but not be changeable in settings



I noticed when there are more pages in the topic, the links from the Notifications section (bell in the header) do not scroll exactly to the post, as is the case with the red notification boxes on the front page.

there is a difference in the path, here is the path from the home page (from red notification box):

and here is the path from the Notifications section (bell in the header)

topic_name is missing, when I added the missing topic_name there, the link worked nicely

I found the definition of these links in the file "app.js"

if (data.tid) {
//this is <v.3.7 notification so link needs to be built manually
link = 'topic/' + data.tid + '/post-' + +
'&page=from_notify&nid=' + + '#post-' +;
unique = parseInt(data.tid);}

but I don't know in which variable the topic name is defined so I can put it in the path

Please advice


recent by admin  ·  Mar 29 '21 at 7:34 pm
ALCHEM; posted Sep 18 '20 at 4:13 pm

Since CodoForum 5 is here I've started working on a new theme.
Probably I'll update Velux too.

Here's a "sneak peak", if you have suggestions, i'll be glad to hear them.
This is just a concept, major changes will come.



Hallo Community, hallo @admin and @adesh ,

Recently, so-called spamers have managed to enter our forums and leave their dirt behind.

What ideas do you have to prevent this?

There are multiple options, from for example prohibiting single words via a spam control to a two-way login control.

How much effort would a clean forum be worth to you?

Would you agree to a two-way login system or do you think that your users find the extra effort stupid?

What are your ideas and suggestions?

The fact is in any case - the spamers have to go because they suck smile

Kind regards, Andy smile

recent by WebCrew  ·  Feb 1 '21 at 5:16 pm

Hello. Having few issues still.

  1. When image is posted in a post it self when you click on it it opens in a lightbox, thats good. But then you go back to home page and click on same image, it try's to save on the computer instead of opening in lightbox.

  2. When "Creating" a post and trying upload multiple images to post in Mobile device, when you hit "Upload" nothing is happening. Works fine in the comments.

  3. - still shows as a link. And in home page shows nothing. needs to be fixed.

  4. .mp4 links not displaying videos. They dont even show up on main page as a link.

recent by WebCrew  ·  Jan 29 '21 at 4:02 am
focalhot posted Jan 21 '21 at 8:05 am

Hello guys, I made a project . It’s an app icons generator. It can create a whole set of icons in various sizes for iOS, Android, Flutter, React Native, Cordova, Web APP, macOS, iWatch, Windows Phone and Quasar. It’s desktop app for Windows and macOS, Mobile app for Android are released. check it out. Hope you like it.600935ccbf2e4

recent by WebCrew  ·  Jan 21 '21 at 8:45 pm

As I see you forgot my trouble tickets regarding your chat issues in smf 2.0.XX. My topics regarding avatars and beep problems opened in december of 2014, has been forgotten. You did not fixed it and thinking all is ok I will forget my paid money as well. No sir. Lets refund my money. I already uninstalled your chat from my forum
Please, refund my money back. To my paypal acc will be better. Otherwise I will initiate chargeback!

P.S. I paid for basic version.

Sent email also looks lost smile ))

recent by WebCrew  ·  Jan 21 '21 at 8:43 pm
wocek posted Jan 7 '21 at 11:27 am


because I had some problems with vanilla forums, I want to change my forum script. I want to know something about Codoforum:

  1. Does Codoforum support transition from other forum software?
  2. Does Codoforum support sending e-mail notification via external server? (e.g. Gmail)
  3. Is Codoforum stable or beta? Has it got stability problems?

Sorry for my poor English

recent by wocek  ·  Jan 10 '21 at 1:27 pm
Haidar007 posted Jun 11 '16 at 2:35 pm

Hi, I have installed codoforum to my site. But I was planing to pay posting bonus and referral's posting bonus to my clients. My site is related to forex and it's very much necessary to my forum.

Are there any way that I can get that to my forum?

Thanks in Advance

recent by WebCrew  ·  Dec 25 '20 at 1:38 am
victorq posted Dec 22 '20 at 3:38 pm


I have made an dutch translation.
but some of the texts are stil in english.

For example;
Show real-time notifications
Yes / No

Show desktop notifications
Yes / No

on the search page u have the
Category of the post
Sort on
Order by

Where can i translate these ones?


recent by WebCrew  ·  Dec 22 '20 at 7:52 pm


I'm having issues with the Mail Notify plugin and the mail queue.

I have a user who's been getting the same email repeatedly.

I tracked down the issue to sys/CODOF/Forum/Notication/MailQueue.php on line 43:

$qry = 'DELETE FROM ' . PREFIX . 'codo_mail_queue WHERE id IN (' . $_ids . ')';

I believe the PREFIX or the codo_ should be there, but not both.

I also seem to be having an issue where none of my users are getting notified of posts, but I need to look into my mail logs to track that one down.

recent by NFG  ·  Dec 19 '20 at 4:56 am

This is a duplicate of a support ticket I created earlier today; perhaps it's worthwhile with a broader audience and greater visibility to find what I'm looking for.

I have recently installed codoforum on OLSWS. The installation was mostly painless; however some of the admin pages aren't working properly. I did hit a snag trying to create my admin user - when trying to create an admin user with a different name I got an error, but when I named the admin user "admin" it proceeded as desired. I don't know if this is a bug or intentional; just thought it worth a mention.

Initially I was getting 404/403 errors on the whole site, but I updated the .htaccess with the recommended rewrite rules and that brought it to life.

However, I'm getting errors in the admin area on a couple of pages when trying to "save" settings. Example: the "Global settings" is accessible but throws 403 when I try to save.
Same problem with trying to edit "Pages" - I can access them, and bring up the editor, but when I try to save it's 403.

All permissions have been set by default by "Cyberpanel": all files are rw-r-r and all directories are rwxr-xr-x.

The codoforum looks and feels amazing. Would be great to publicize that we can make it work on OpenLightSpeed WebServer smile

Also, there is a broken link at // (left off the h-t-t-p-s due to user restrictions) at the bottom of the post it suggests to create a topic if you have problems installing on a different web server.

Here is the way the link is formed on the instalation docs page: (I couldn't post the h-t-t-p due to user restrictions)

Here is how it should be formed (I couldn't post the h-t-t-p-s due to user restrictions)

recent by fitkoh  ·  Dec 16 '20 at 8:13 pm


I would like to know how to add category and tags under the topic title on the main page as shown in the figure:


I have edited this section in the file "topics.html":

<div class="codo_topics_topic_name">
<a href="
{{{const "RURI"}}}user/profile/{{{id}}}"><span class="role_styled role_{{{role}}}">{{{name}}}</span></a>
<span><span id="posted_txt">
{{{i18n "posted"}}} </span>{{post_created}}<br />Category: <a href="{{{const "RURI"}}}category/{{{cat_alias}}}">{{{cat_alias}}}</a><br />Tags: </span>

The variable "cat_alias" works, but when I wanted to use the variable "cat_name", nothing was displayed. I need to display Category name. Same for tags. I would need to see all the tags from the topic if they are presented.

Thank you in advance for the advice

recent by richard  ·  Dec 13 '20 at 4:55 pm
TonyEditor posted Dec 4 '20 at 11:40 am


Does some one know how ik can fix that i can see the page title on the page.tpl

{* Smarty *}
{extends file='layout.tpl'}

{block name=body}

<style type="text/css">

.codo_page_content {

margin-top: -20px;
background: white;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 15px;


.container {
width: 100%;



<div class="container">


<div class="codo_page_content">



{$page_title} <???? --- doesnt work or {$title}





if i look in the database it is calling title and if i see in the page.php the insert is page_title

can some help me?


Hi, I've installed the last release of codoforum script on Windows 10 and Xampp.
Everything works ok but when I try to add some image or something in a post, it does not display in preview side and also it does not display after clicked.
I tried, JPG, PNG, TXT, XLSX,..etc.
I got the same result for all of them.

  • I'm using https
  • All files are in the root directory of Xampp
  • I gave permission to all folders

Any advice would be appreciated.

Kindly regards.

recent by WebCrew  ·  Nov 27 '20 at 6:11 pm

While you wait for the next release of Codoforum,
we have something else for you..

Codoku - A static website maker for writing guides and documentation.

Download now:

For existing users of FreiChat and Codoforum (Free or Paid) will get a commercial license free of cost. [Offer valid for the next 30 days]

Contact us on with the URL to your Freichat or Codoforum installation and receive a full commercial license for free.

recent by WebCrew  ·  Nov 23 '20 at 9:23 pm
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