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Hallo @community, @admin & @adesh

I`m working on some kind of Portal System for Codoforum. It is based on a Flat File System. With it You can convert every HTML5 Theme into a Portal or Welcome Page for Codoforum. It is already 80% done and most features such as online on page HTML and CSS live editing etc. are already working.

What I urgently need to know is:

Are there any "shortcodes" (like offered by Word Press Shortcode API) for Codoforum? I need some kind of a shortcode to integrate lets say Codoforums latest 10 Topics each rendered with the Topic Name and 250 letters of text etc.

Something like:

<h1>Newest 10 Topics</h1>
<?php_include;[topic_list id="top_10"] ?>

Any help would be awesome but please take into account that although I have a good knowledge of HTML and CSS, I only have a very subtle basic knowledge of PHP. A simple explanation would be best - thank you very much.

Kind regards,

Andy smile

recent by admin  ·  Sep 13 '21 at 6:52 pm

Hi, I installed FreiChat on a HumHub site. It worked fine until a CroneJobs issue. After that the chat bubble doesn't appeared any more (I assume the problem started after that). I have unistalled and re installed many times the chat module, and even have deleted the site account on the dashboard of FreiChat, and the chat continues without appears.

I also have a previous test site, and the chat works perfectly there. Any help, will be appreciated.

recent by admin  ·  Sep 12 '21 at 11:48 pm
CambUlysse posted Sep 2 '21 at 2:42 pm

Hi, I just installed Freichat on my HumHub. However, nothing is appearing from Freichat. I linked freichat to the App Backend with the api key.

When i inspect the page i can see the error :

Le chargement du module à l’adresse « social.***mywebsite***.fr/v1/freichat-float.js?pubKey=FREICHAT_KEY_********&userId=1&displayName=****&displayImage=************=&change=*****» a été bloqué en raison d’un type MIME interdit (« text/html »).

wich can be translated to :

Loading the module at the address "social.***mywebsite***.fr/v1/freichat-float.js? PubKey = FREICHAT_KEY _ ******** & userId = 1 & displayName = *** * & displayImage = ************ = & change = ***** "was blocked due to a prohibited MIME type (" text / html ").

can someone help me ?

recent by MaxRut  ·  Sep 12 '21 at 2:41 pm
WebCrew posted Sep 9 '21 at 4:29 pm

Hallo Community,
Hallo Codologic Team
--------------------------------------------- @admin @adesh

today I stumbled upon an extremely useful open source tool that will make the life of every developer a lot easier. I thought maybe the community or even the Codologic team might be interested in it.

What is it about?

It's about RectorPHP, a tool that can automatically rewrite the PHP code from an older version to the very latest version 8. Yes, no manual rewriting of code anymore - now a short Docker command is enough and everything is done with a top result in seconds. That means, never again scripts, CMS or apps that lag behind the current PHP version, because the upgrade is now super easy.

And here You go - the RectorPHP Tool is at GitHub free to use and download:

Kind regards, Andy smile

WebCrew posted Aug 16 '21 at 7:52 pm

Hallo Community,

because Codoforum is a PHP system it would be quite nice if we (ya me too lol) learn PHP. That way we are able to develop our very own plugins, themes but also other systems, apps or even a CMS.

There are masses of good sources to learn PHP online and also tons of books. I found a very nice free info page which is easy to understand, is supporting a clean way to learn PHP the right way and is easy to understand.

Here you go:

Kind regards,

Andy smile

recent by apostoins  ·  Aug 22 '21 at 9:15 pm

Uyarı: session_start(): Oturum nesnesinin kodu çözülemedi. Oturum 93. satırda C:\xampp\htdocs\forum\sys\CODOF\Util.php dosyasında yok edildi

Ayrıştırma hatası: sözdizimi hatası, beklenmeyen simge "*", 2. satırda C:\xampp\htdocs\forum\cache\HB\compiled\57397fb48242849719080522fa095531.php içindeki dosyanın sonu bekleniyor

recent by erpod  ·  Aug 16 '21 at 1:54 pm
PenPencilMedia posted Jul 13 '21 at 5:53 pm

Changes did not reflect after change in index.php


// Site Name & Title VISNI SERVICES
// Site Path ...

// Site URL's ...

//echo JS_URL;

// Database Connections Do not Modify Below....

recent by WebCrew  ·  Jul 16 '21 at 1:47 pm
3 posted Jun 11 '21 at 10:26 pm

I'm working on a theme for my use and can't find where to change the hover color for the Create new Topic button. I have the color set for the button but not the hover which should be easy to find but I'm at a loss.


Thank you!

recent by WebCrew  ·  Jun 13 '21 at 1:47 pm


we installed the modul "freichat" on our humhub installation. All is find BUT: On mobile the "Chat-bubble" for click open chat is over the "send button" of the internal messenger of humhub, so the message can wrote but not send because the "Chat-Bubble" is over the send button. Can you give me a solution (for sure i am not the only one with this problem) This must define in CSS but in module there are no css settings. The bubble need set 20px higher from bottom then all is good on mobile view. I have a yearly subscription and send a ticket too!


recent by WebCrew  ·  Jun 2 '21 at 6:29 pm
sremick posted May 18 '21 at 10:22 pm

FreiChat 1.0.3
HumHub 1.8.2

The module seems to be working fine. I did an early test with a test account I had made on the site... I was testing the feature of logging in w/ one's Google account, so I had my main admin account and then the Google version of my account as the 2nd test user. I then used these two accounts to test FreiChat.

I've since deleted the test Google account from HumHub, however when I'm signed into HumHub with my main admin account, FreiChat continues to show the old chat and Google user in the list even though the account is long gone. I can't find any way to delete the chat history and/or the user from the FreiChat list. What am I missing?

recent by admin  ·  May 20 '21 at 1:38 pm
aaronhall posted May 11 '21 at 7:13 pm

Hey! Not sure if this is where I should post this.

I cannot find anything but could there be two plugins made:

1) Forum Statistics - that shows how many discussions, number of users, etc...?

2) Who's Online - displays what members are currently online.

Please let me know if these are possible.

And maybe have them appear somewhere on the right-hand side at the bottom or across the whole bottom.

3) Share Links below posts to share a topic to social media, like FB, Twitter, Email, Reddit, etc...

recent by admin  ·  May 13 '21 at 7:31 am
aaronhall posted May 11 '21 at 6:31 pm

Is there a way to add text and/or a banner at the top above where it says "Start New Topic" but below the header where the links are? Also, how can I change the Favicon?

Also is there a way to add Forum Statistics and a Who's Online anywhere...maybe as a plugin?

recent by WebCrew  ·  May 11 '21 at 6:54 pm

Hallo Community

our CF @admin has shared a way about how to create a custom homepage for your CF installation. Because it was a part of another topic I thought it would be great to create a own tutorial topic about it.

Here you go

Step 1- create a page from backend like this:


Step 2 - now add this line around line 884 in routes.php i.e replace

if ($user->can('view forum')) {


if ($user->can('view forum')) {
header("Location: " . RURI . "page/8");

The number 8 is from the url you see in the page created in above image.

Kind regards, Andy smile

recent by ZoeCaleb  ·  May 6 '21 at 4:53 am

At the moment I'm very frustrated by the lack of documentation in codoforum. Out of the box I had the struggle of getting freichat to work and by accident I found out there was a bug in one of the installer files which just doesn't seem to get rectified (If I would distribute software I would take these errors out! So they're not in there on download for new adapters).
Now I'm completely stuck on the uni_login... I managed to get google to work but thats it. And to be honest I don't have the time energy and willpower to go through the process of debugging and searching endlessly for a solution... THESE ARE out of the box plugins. There is no guide or anything anything about this except for google. All documentation or posts I can find are either incomplete or simply wrong. When there is an answer from codoforum they assume you now every file by heart and are in their head or something. To get the point is there anywhere a guide to implement facebook and twitter login. The problem with facebook is that it goes to the facebook page asks me to login and then simply return to the login page on the forum like nothing ha happened. I tried everything with redirect url's and I can't get it to work! With twitter again the normal install procedure is just wrong if I put the callback URL into twitter it says that queries are not allowed. This is a copy and a paste from YOUR documentation. Is there anything else I can try or should I just wipe the domains I put this on and switch to Vanilla or something where I can find how to implement stuff? (Again out of the box not 8 hours+ of googling and tearing my hair out)? Thanks in advance

recent by Nenzeea  ·  May 4 '21 at 9:51 pm


Today I wondered if it was possible to create a custom homepage instead of it being the forum as default.

I tried some methods I had in mind, like checking backend or moving the existing "index.php" file to a different destination however I could find any success in both of the methods.

I would like to know how you can/if you can create a custom homepage.


recent by admin  ·  Apr 21 '21 at 10:48 pm
eric229 posted Dec 13 '18 at 8:39 pm

Hey! So, I just installed the forum, got it all set up with users and so on. The only thing that I can not figure out is how to change the "link section" in the navbar. The dropdown menu now shows the following:

Another Action
Something Else Here
Separated Link
One more separated link.

I know these are just examples, but how to I edit/remove them?
Thanks in advance,
regards Eric

recent by Benileir  ·  Apr 19 '21 at 9:20 pm
WebCrew posted Apr 5 '21 at 11:17 am

Hallo @admin & @adesh

a long text but please read it, I think its worth it.

I have been following your developer path for many years and am a staunch user of Codoforum and FreiChat. All in all, I am very satisfied and I like Codoforum. It just makes me a little sad that your efforts are falling by the wayside and Codoforum is not getting the attention it deserves.

Just today I visited " ". I was last there about a year ago and it was interesting but still unstable and there were only a handful of extensions. Today I visited it again and was shocked - Flarum is stable and there are hundreds of plugins in this short time. What annoys me most about it is the fact that the layout and the basic idea of ​​Flarum was certainly inspired by Codoforum - it's very similar to that.

New way of making money:

What do you think of going "Open Source" with Codoforum and throwing it on GitHub? Dont say no right now, read a little further please.

I am of the opinion that you could earn a lot more money if you put a little advertising slyder (I did something similar for HumHub and the community loved it) under the categories sidebar in Codoforum. In this slyder you could, for example, permanently integrate your advertising from a hosting company (they pay very good professionals for referring new customers).
You could include this Slyder in the license and your advertising, as well as your copyright text, may not be changed. Of course, the Slyder should also be usable for Codoforum users as an advertising Slyder, in this way the admin community would not find it disturbing but useful and your hosting commercial will be shown on hundreds if not thousands of Codoforum installations .
Apart from that, Codoforum could then get the full attention of the GitHub community.

I think that would be a breakthrough and would even bring you a lot more income in the end.

Think about it please.

Kind regards, Andy smile

Update: on that screenshot you can see my Ads Panel (slyder) Plugin which I did for HumHub.


recent by WebCrew  ·  Apr 15 '21 at 7:41 pm

Thanks for the great forum.

@adesh or @admin Please help on how I can deny all my users the privilege of having to choose between infinite Scrolling and normal. I want the default to be infinite Scrolling and unchangeable.

Also, I would like to change my text editor, any suggestions for a plugin like a Twitter like text editor.
I've been receiving an error when a user inserts an emoji from his phone. The problem is also on this site, you can see the exception on the attached screenshot.


recent by admin  ·  Apr 7 '21 at 10:08 pm
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