News and Announcements
Password Reset for all users.

The password for all users have been reset as we are migrating towards a better and more secure system.
Please use the 'Forgot Password' Link to reset your password.

You can also login with Facebook, Google, Twitter and Github smile

The password for all users have been reset as we are migrating towards a better and more secure system. Please use the 'Forgot Password' Link to reset your password. You can also login with Facebook, Google, Twitter and Github :)
Necessity is the mother of all inventions!
edited Jul 24 '18 at 4:41 pm

get-aduser -filter | where {$_.distinguishedname -like ',ou=parent,ou=parent,dc=domain,dc=local'} | -Reset -NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "<newpassword>" -Force) Seems like a lot but if you're trying to do a whole OU, it is pretty quick. May also need to set admin credentials first. $cred=get-credentials

get-aduser -filter * | where {$_.distinguishedname -like &#039;*,ou=parent,ou=parent,dc=domain,dc=local&#039;} | -Reset -NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText &quot;&lt;newpassword&gt;&quot; -Force) Seems like a lot but if you&#039;re trying to do a whole OU, it is pretty quick. May also need to set admin credentials first. $cred=get-credentials
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