Codoforum related discussions
Forum is being registered by bot even reCapcha2 enabled

Anyone have same issue? My forum is being under attacked by bots. They register new accounts for every hour. I have Google reCapcha2 enable and even tried some JavaScript/Ajax to prevent but still got new bot accounts registered.

I checked my web access log and all of the bot request weren't from normal browser, hence they weren't prevented by JavaScript/Ajax. You can check my register link, you can't register it if you don't provide a correct answer. But the bots can pass it smile

I believe this codologic forum is being under attacked also, see these users.

Anyone have same issue? My forum is being under attacked by bots. They register new accounts for every hour. I have Google reCapcha2 enable and even tried some JavaScript/Ajax to prevent but still got new bot accounts registered. I checked my web access log and all of the bot request weren't from normal browser, hence they weren't prevented by JavaScript/Ajax. You can check my register link, you can't register it if you don't provide a correct answer. But the bots can pass it :( I believe this codologic forum is being under attacked also, see these users. Powered by Codoforum 4.3 (


You can enable admin approval for users. However its strange they are able to circumvent captcha like that on your forum.
We have not enabled captcha in our forum so the bots are able to create accounts.

We might have to provide alternative bot protections systems in the future if google recaptcha is not good enough

Hi You can enable admin approval for users. However its strange they are able to circumvent captcha like that on your forum. We have not enabled captcha in our forum so the bots are able to create accounts. We might have to provide alternative bot protections systems in the future if google recaptcha is not good enough
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