General discussion
Notification bug

All topics page is ok, I've got unread count new messages of topic


But when we Go to category there is no unread count Notification


I try to solve it, but I can'tsmile

**All topics** page is ok, I've got unread count new messages of topic ![63582b015de4c](serve/attachment&path=63582b015de4c) But when we Go to **category** there is no unread count Notification ![63582b37b3e68](serve/attachment&path=63582b37b3e68) I try to solve it, but I can't:(
edited Oct 25 '22 at 7:35 pm

Ya youre right, as I mentioned in the other topic about the notification system - there is something wrong with it, sometimes it does what it want - it shows some notes then notes are missing, then I be shown a old notification again and again, but the team will fix it I`m sure about it. Its already on their ToDo list.

Kind regards and thx for your contribution. smile

Ya youre right, as I mentioned in the other topic about the notification system - there is something wrong with it, sometimes it does what it want - it shows some notes then notes are missing, then I be shown a old notification again and again, but the team will fix it I`m sure about it. Its already on their ToDo list. Kind regards and thx for your contribution. :) Community for creative people - JOIN it Now please My GitHub account Lots of Web-Tools and Utilities for free

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