General discussion
Fatal Error - Sign Up

Admin > Spam Control > ReCaptcha > Enable recaptcha? > Yes

//Codoforum v.5.1. (php 7.2, mysql 5.7)

Use Google's No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA v2, but if user doesn't fill in Captcha and just click Submit, the next fatal error is


Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function isSuccess() on null in C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\sys\CODOF\User\Register.php:234 Stack trace: #0 C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\sys\Controller\user.php(312): CODOF\User\Register->get_errors() #1 C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\routes.php(642): Controller\user->register(true) #2 [internal function]: {closure}() #3 C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\sys\CODOF\Router\Router.php(91): call_user_func_array(Object(Closure), Array) #4 C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\sys\CODOF\Router\Router.php(56): CODOF\Router\Router::_dispatch(Object(FastRoute\Dispatcher\GroupCountBased)) #5 C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\routes.php(892): CODOF\Router\Router::dispatch() #6 C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\index.php(22): require('C:\OSPanel\doma...' ) #7 {main} thrown in C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\sys\CODOF\User\Register.php on line 234

Need help

Also I need to add any kind of Honeypot to Register page. Who can share working code?smile

Admin > Spam Control > ReCaptcha > Enable recaptcha? > Yes //Codoforum v.5.1. (php 7.2, mysql 5.7) Use Google's **No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA v2**, but if user doesn't fill in Captcha and just click Submit, the next fatal error is shown.x( ![63563b4d3564f](serve/attachment&path=63563b4d3564f) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function isSuccess() on null in C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\sys\CODOF\User\Register.php:234 Stack trace: #0 C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\sys\Controller\user.php(312): CODOF\User\Register->get_errors() #1 C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\routes.php(642): Controller\user->register(true) #2 [internal function]: {closure}() #3 C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\sys\CODOF\Router\Router.php(91): call_user_func_array(Object(Closure), Array) #4 C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\sys\CODOF\Router\Router.php(56): CODOF\Router\Router::_dispatch(Object(FastRoute\Dispatcher\GroupCountBased)) #5 C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\routes.php(892): CODOF\Router\Router::dispatch() #6 C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\index.php(22): require('C:\\OSPanel\\doma...' ) #7 {main} thrown in C:\OSPanel\domains\test.loc\sys\CODOF\User\Register.php on line 234 Need help --- Also I need to add any kind of **Honeypot** to Register page. Who can share working code?(blush)
edited Oct 24 '22 at 8:32 am

Hi mate,

if your users are missing to use the Captcha it is maybe quite normal that you get a error message?

Because of the Honeypott - check it out mate:

Kind regards, WebCrew smile

Hi mate, if your users are missing to use the Captcha it is maybe quite normal that you get a error message? **Because of the Honeypott - check it out mate:** Kind regards, WebCrew ;) Community for creative people - JOIN it Now please My GitHub account Lots of Web-Tools and Utilities for free


Yes, I believe a more suitable error response should be shown here instead of a php stacktrace.
We will fix this in the next version.

Thank you for helping improve our forum

Hi Yes, I believe a more suitable error response should be shown here instead of a php stacktrace. We will fix this in the next version. Thank you for helping improve our forum
Necessity is the mother of all inventions!


Solved it!!!!smile All works fine! No errors!


Change code

            if (!$response->isSuccess()) {
$errors[] = "capcha entered was wrong";


            else {
$errors[] = "capcha entered was wrong";

Is it okay for the security?smile @admin

@admin Solved it!!!!8) All works fine! No errors! ....\sys\CODOF\User\Register.php Change code ```` if (!$response->isSuccess()) { $errors[] = "capcha entered was wrong"; } ```` to ```` else { $errors[] = "capcha entered was wrong"; } ```` Is it okay for the security?(wasntme) @admin
edited Nov 1 '22 at 11:45 am

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I know that this issue it really common and I can give you a hand, so please contact the hosting services. Likewise, many applications are needed for this, and it is necessary to use hosting. I had the idea of a new application and I found windows vps canada . This helped me to understand my idea, and there were many ways to get a VPS server in Canada. I also suggest you to try this too either.
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