General discussion
Disable Codo Errors

Try to follow the link :

And you get an Error


How to disable that errors?

define('CODO_DEBUG', 0);
define('DISPLAY_ERRORS', 'OFF');

This way doesn't helpsmile

Try to follow the link : And you get an Error ![6354df4e3d92e](serve/attachment&path=6354df4e3d92e) How to disable that errors? ```` define('CODO_DEBUG', 0); define('DISPLAY_ERRORS', 'OFF'); ```` This way doesn't help:S
edited Oct 23 '22 at 7:41 am

I can imagine that you might also have to switch off the error report in PHP.INI, i.e. set it to "false" there too. That's just an idea, I'm not really good with PHP, but it would make sense.

Kind regards, WebCrew smile

I can imagine that you might also have to switch off the error report in PHP.INI, i.e. set it to "false" there too. That's just an idea, I'm not really good with PHP, but it would make sense. Kind regards, WebCrew ;) Community for creative people - JOIN it Now please My GitHub account Lots of Web-Tools and Utilities for free


This seems to be a bug. We will fix this. Thanks for reporting

As for disabling errors, what @WebCrew suggested makes sense.
You can disable or reduce reporting level in php.ini

You can also try disabling it in codoforum/index.php

ini_set("display_errors", "on");
Hi This seems to be a bug. We will fix this. Thanks for reporting As for disabling errors, what @WebCrew suggested makes sense. You can disable or reduce reporting level in php.ini You can also try disabling it in codoforum/index.php ```` ini_set("display_errors", "on"); ````
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