Is there a communication plugin?

forum system is nice but lack of plugins.
no different themes
example, communication, social sharing, blog plugin etc.

Is there a communication plugin?

forum system is nice but lack of plugins. no different themes example, communication, social sharing, blog plugin etc. Is there a communication plugin?


Do you mean a chat plugin? We have freichat which you see in the bottom right. It is available by default in codoforum.

Hi Do you mean a chat plugin? We have freichat which you see in the bottom right. It is available by default in codoforum.
Necessity is the mother of all inventions!

no i don't want a chat plugin.

I'm talking about all the plugins

no i don't want a chat plugin. I'm talking about all the plugins

As @admin mentions, you can use the chat. It's a good way to communicate with others. There used to be a personal messaging system but it has become obsolete and Codologic helped us and integrated chat which was nice.

There aren't many themes and plugins for Codoforum, and it's not Codologic's job to create masses of them (it's already great that they make the forum free to download). It would be the task of the community to create more plugins and themes and this is done on a small scale.

One must not forget Codoforum is not WordPress, PHPBB3 or Joomla, but just a small two-man team.

You can find some plugins and themes on GitHub . Go to GitHub and search for Codoforum there and you will find some themes and some plugins.

I hope this will help you, have a nice day! smile

Kind regards, WebCrew smile

As @admin mentions, you can use the chat. It's a good way to communicate with others. There used to be a personal messaging system but it has become **obsolete** and Codologic **helped us and integrated chat which was nice**. There aren't **many themes and plugins** for Codoforum, and it's not Codologic's job to create masses of them (_it's already great that they make the forum free to download_). It would be the task of the community to create more plugins and themes **and this is done on a small scale**. **One must not forget Codoforum is not WordPress, PHPBB3 or Joomla, but just a small two-man team.** You can find some plugins and themes on [GitHub]( "GitHub") . Go to GitHub and search for [Codoforum]( "Codoforum") there and you will find some themes and some plugins. I hope this will help you, have a nice day! 8) Kind regards, WebCrew ;) Community for creative people - JOIN it Now please My GitHub account Lots of Web-Tools and Utilities for free

edited Oct 3 '22 at 1:47 pm
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