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What are you doing in quarantine?

What are you doing in quarantine?
I started writing papers
Do you think this is a good idea?

What are you doing in quarantine? I started writing papers Do you think this is a good idea?
edited Apr 14 '20 at 8:58 am

Yeah why not its a good idea - all is better as doing nothing. Otherwise a Quarantine can be boring smile

I work on some projects of my mass of hobbies. I create knifes (smithing), I work on a new Codoforum Plugin and I write some parts of code of my very own Social Network CMS smile

Kind regards, Andy

Yeah why not its a good idea - all is better as doing nothing. Otherwise a Quarantine can be boring :) I work on some projects of my mass of hobbies. I create knifes (smithing), I work on a new Codoforum Plugin and I write some parts of code of my very own Social Network CMS :) Kind regards, Andy Community for creative people - JOIN it Now please My GitHub account Lots of Web-Tools and Utilities for free

I've been working, spending as much time and wife and son, playing games, having a drink and some coding when I find time and inspiration.

On the coding side, currently making use of Codoku for Presskits and Guides and working on a PWA (Progressive Web Apps) plugin for Codoforum.

I started writing papers

That's great. Writing and reading are fantastic on a quarantine. Keep it up!

I've been working, spending as much time and wife and son, playing games, having a drink and some coding when I find time and inspiration. On the coding side, currently making use of [Codoku for Presskits]( and Guides and working on a PWA (Progressive Web Apps) plugin for Codoforum. >I started writing papers That's great. Writing and reading are fantastic on a quarantine. Keep it up!

BlackBerry enthusiast, entrepreneur, web developer, geek with glasses and enlightened agent!

edited Apr 24 '20 at 12:18 pm
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