News and Announcements
Codoforum v.4.5 released Embed Everything!

After a long period of development and regression-testing,

we have v.4.5 and you will love ❤️that it can embed everything!





and more..


  • Added option to load embedded content(only first) as part of excerpt in All topics and category page

  • Fixed pmx link getting appended to notifications div

  • Fixed pmx styles

  • Fixed dropdown popover bug and other css fixes to menu and responsive styles

  • Replaced custom tabs in profile view/edit with bootstrap tabs

  • Profile edit signature bug fixed

  • Fixed tick image path when subscription is changed

  • Added documentation to customize theme easily (Includes css fixes to standardize colors and removal of unused css)

  • Reply button not working for mobile bug fixed

After a long period of development and regression-testing, we have v.4.5 and you will love ❤️that it can embed everything! **Youtube:** **Twitter:** **SoundCloud:** **Vimeo:** and more.. [4.5] - Added option to load embedded content(only first) as part of excerpt in All topics and category page - Fixed pmx link getting appended to notifications div - Fixed pmx styles - Fixed dropdown popover bug and other css fixes to menu and responsive styles - Replaced custom tabs in profile view/edit with bootstrap tabs - Profile edit signature bug fixed - Fixed tick image path when subscription is changed - Added documentation to customize theme easily (Includes css fixes to standardize colors and removal of unused css) - Reply button not working for mobile bug fixed
Necessity is the mother of all inventions!
edited Sep 13 '20 at 8:19 pm

@admin @adesh I've updated to 4.5 which is awesome however codopm doesn't seem to be showing anywhere at the front end??

@admin @adesh I've updated to 4.5 which is awesome however codopm doesn't seem to be showing anywhere at the front end??

Given up on Codoforum :(


We have removed codopm and replaced it with pmx.

Are you not able to see the plugin PMX in plugin listing page?

Hi, We have removed codopm and replaced it with pmx. Are you not able to see the plugin PMX in plugin listing page?
Necessity is the mother of all inventions!
edited Nov 13 '18 at 3:45 pm

ftp view

and dashboard view


ftp view ![5beb1cc440d55](serve/attachment&path=5beb1cc440d55) and dashboard view ![5beb1ce918ddb](serve/attachment&path=5beb1ce918ddb)

Given up on Codoforum :(

folders set to 777

database plugin table screenshot:


folders set to 777 database plugin table screenshot: ![5bec7ce65aa6d](serve/attachment&path=5bec7ce65aa6d)

Given up on Codoforum :(


  • On tablet portrait there isn't reply button because from 1000px to 788px there isn't any button
  • the reply button on mobile devices must be fixed on the bottom of the page otherwise it's very difficult to see it
  • it's impossibile to reply a single post inside a topic
bug: - On tablet portrait there isn't reply button because from 1000px to 788px there isn't any button - the reply button on mobile devices must be fixed on the bottom of the page otherwise it's very difficult to see it - it's impossibile to reply a single post inside a topic

Thanks for letting us know @trippo , we will fix it.

Thanks for letting us know @trippo , we will fix it.
Necessity is the mother of all inventions!

Bug: if you insert an image portrait and it height is more than 500px the under text overlaps (there is an css max-height)

Bug: if you insert an image portrait and it height is more than 500px the under text overlaps (there is an css max-height)

please add admin configurations for default value of codo_sidebar_inf_scroll_switch and codo_sidebar_hide_msg_switch

Requests: please add admin configurations for default value of codo_sidebar_inf_scroll_switch and codo_sidebar_hide_msg_switch
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