General discussion

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AlexaFers posted Mar 27 '20 at 1:42 am

helo,i have a problem with the role action.

I try to login with user and working as usually,but even i try to go to the main page on index.php i got problem with the role of user,administrator but even i try using the moderator role its working and nothing problem happened.Please ur attention guys.Thanks


I have two queries:

  • How to acquire a CodoForum license? I've seen it somewhere on the site but now I can't find it.

  • On my site only registered users can create post and reply. Now I want to make a category where anyone, even if not registered, can create a post and reply. In that case, I create a category and assign permissions to all users to create new topics, in particular to the guest user.When an unregistered user ( guest ) enters the category, the "New Topic" button appears correctly. Enter to create the post, but when you click the Post button an error occurs.62312ce562435

Any comments or bux fixes?


Hello Everyone,

I'm utilising right now to create an online community for a project, and I'd appreciate some tips on how to increase user involvement through customisation. The forum functions flawlessly, however I believe there is still room for improvement in terms of user interaction and aesthetic appeal.

In particular, I'm curious about:

Customising the Theme: Is there a way to change the default forum layout, colour scheme, or typography? Are there any themes or tools that would improve appearance without compromising functionality?

Features of User Interactivity: I've noticed that a lot of well-known forums have leaderboards, achievements, and medal systems. Are these kinds of gamification elements supported by Codoforum, and if so, how can I use them? If not, is it possible to include outside programs to include these features?

What are some best practices for search engine optimisation on Codoforum? Does my forum have to have a certain plugin installed or configuration to rank higher in search results?

Security and Spam Prevention: Although the built-in security protections are useful, I'm wondering if there are any more actions or plugins that could assist protect the forum from spammers and unsolicited messages in particular.

Your suggestions or success stories about increasing mendix user engagement and personalisation would be much appreciated. Any advice, sources, or samples would be greatly valued!

Thank you in advance.

blockgaming posted Apr 22 '22 at 7:07 am

Hi again, it's been a while.

I was looking around and had a question. Is it possible to have the server send a webhook request, or a few, when someone makes a new topic, and change each request by category (such as posting in a category called 'games' will send one webhook but a post in a category called 'internal' would not.

peterF posted Sep 9 '24 at 2:01 pm

Hello, all!

This is my first post after just joining this discussion, so please forgive me and provide kind assistance if I have posted to the wrong subsection!

I am new here but a real enthusiast and loving this community so far. I have a background in teaching coding and in education and feel I could help with documentation, at least for starters.

As a new member in this forum and wish to share and gain some knowledge. I am looking forward to create my own discussion to resolve my query and gain some knowledge though I have taken part in various discussion which is definitely helped me a lot.

Also in what category should be taken depends on what factors?

Thank you in advance.

Boret posted Feb 14 '24 at 11:01 am

Hola, acabo de instalar Codo en mi servidor, pero cuando intenté comenzar a configurar, comencé a recibir muchas advertencias y no me deja hacer nada.
No entiendo mucho sobre código y realmente no sé lo que significan.

Advertencia: session_set_save_handler(): el controlador de guardado de sesión no se puede cambiar después de que los encabezados ya se hayan enviado en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Session/Session.php en la línea 21

Advertencia: session_start(): la sesión no se puede iniciar después de que los encabezados ya se hayan enviado en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Util.php en la línea 97

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica CODOF\Plugin::$db está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Plugin.php en la línea 16

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica CODOF\Smarty\Single::$parent está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Smarty/Single.php en la línea 19

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica CODOF\User\RememberMe::$db está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/User/RememberMe.php en los
encabezados de la línea 13 ya enviados
En desuso: mb_convert_encoding(): el manejo de entidades HTML a través de mbstring está en desuso; use htmlspecialchars, htmlentities o mb_encode_numericentity/mb_decode_numericentity en su lugar en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Format.php en la línea 26

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica Controller\forum::$view está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/Controller/forum.php en la línea 383

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica CODOF\Asset\Stream::$parser está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Asset/Stream.php en la línea 98

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica CODOF\Asset\Stream::$parser está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Asset/Stream.php en la línea 98

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica CODOF\Asset\Stream::$prependURL está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Asset/Stream.php en la línea 166

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica Smarty_Internal_Template::$compiled está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php en la línea 719

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica Smarty_Internal_Template::$compiled está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php en la línea 719

necesito ayuda

Warning: session_start(): Failed to decode session object. Session has been destroyed in C:\xampp\htdocs\sys\CODOF\Util.php on line 93

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token "*", expecting end of file in C:\xampp\htdocs\cache\HB\compiled\57397fb48242849719080522fa095531.php on line 2

I've tried reinstalling Xampp, making sure Apache and SQL are both on, and fully reinstalling Codoforum

The file in question begins with:

function lcr62fe908d3e7baraw($cx, $v, $ex = 0)
if ($ex) {
return $v;

markanderson8093 posted Oct 28 '23 at 7:16 pm

Are you an aspiring nurse looking to take your career to the next level by earning your Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree? Are you facing the challenge of completing your RN to BSN program in just three months? Look no further – our dedicated team of skilled is here to support you on this ambitious journey.

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Safaa's AI-driven HR solutions offer intelligent tools that effectively streamline and optimize human resources processes, including robust features within their applicant tracking system that enhance the efficiency of the recruitment process, such as automated resume parsing, candidate ranking, and collaborative hiring workflows.


My Form validation code.

  • Form Validation
    class Form{
    public $currentValue;
    public $values = array();
    public $errors = array();

    public function __construct(){}

    public function post($key){

     $this->valuse[$key] = trim($_POST[$key]);
     $this->currentValue = $key;
     return $this;


    public function isEmpty(){

         $this->errors[$this->currentValue]['empty'] = "Field must be empty";
     return $this;


    public function isCatEmpty(){

     if($this->valuse[$this->currentValue] == 0){
         $this->errors[$this->currentValue]['empty'] = "Field must be empty";
     return $this;


    public function length($min=0, $max){

     if (strlen($this->valuse[$this->currentValue]) < $min OR strlen($this->valuse[$this->currentValue]) > $max) {
         $this->errors[$this->currentValue]['length'] = "Should Min ".$min." And Max " .$max. "Characters.";
     return $this;


    public function submit(){

         return true;
         return false;



I don't found this problem.

My Category insert Code is

public function insertCategory(){
$input = $this->load->validation("Form"smile;


    if ($input->submit()) {
        $tablePost     = "category";
        $name         = $input->values['name'];
        $title         = $input->values['title'];

        $data  = array(
        'name'  => $name,
        'title' => $title
    $catModel = $this->load->model("CatModel");
    $result   = $catModel->insertCat($tableCat, $data);

    $mdata = array();
    if ($result == 1) {
        $mdata['msg'] = "Category Added Successfully.";
    } else {
        $mdata['msg'] = "Category Not Added Successfully.";
    $url = BASE_URL."/Admin/categoryList?msg=".urlencode(serialize($mdata));
    } else {
        $data["postErrors"] = $input->errors;
        $tableCat = "category";

        $catModel = $this->load->model("CatModel");
        $data['catlist'] = $catModel->catList($tableCat);

        $this->load->view("admin/addcategory", $data);

this is data not inserted.
I don't understand why this problem.
why post() method value don't work.
this line work not properly.
$name = $input->values['name'];
$title = $input->values['title'];


Jakub Švec posted Oct 22 '23 at 7:44 pm


I have a problem with my codoforum. The first problem, and I didn't find how to remove it here, is the URL address through which my forum works. I have a first problem here, when I click on anything I am redirected to the url, where it actually repeats twice /domains/ it spoils the address and is most likely related to a third problem, the main one, which limits the functionality of the site. Pretty URL I think is for example Next problem is if I create an article that has a name with a space or diacritics, I get this error message on the site.

Thank you very much.


Anyone who has the "users" role is not able to see anything including the homepage. It will just auto-redirect them to there own profile. If they try to make a new topic it says the page is not found. The "Users" role permissions is as follows.

If I make a new role and have it copy permissions for "Users" and apply it to a test account, it will allow the test account to view categories and see the make a post. If I just have it set to the "Users" role it can't. I tried setting the user's role to nothing, saving, then setting it back to no change.

Anyone have had this issue and know a fix?


In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) remains a critical component of online success. For businesses looking to offer comprehensive digital marketing services, partnering with an SEO reseller program can be a smart strategy. These programs allow agencies, web developers, and marketing firms to outsource their SEO services while still providing value to their clients. Here's a closer look at the benefits of participating in an SEO reseller program:

  1. Expand Service Offerings:

By joining an SEO reseller program, digital marketing agencies can expand their service offerings without the need for in-house SEO expertise. This allows them to provide clients with a more comprehensive suite of services.

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SEO reseller programs are typically run by experienced SEO professionals. Partnering with such programs means gaining access to their expertise, tools, and best practices.

In summary, an SEO reseller program can be a win-win for both digital marketing agencies and their clients. Agencies can expand their services, provide expert SEO solutions, and enhance client satisfaction, while clients benefit from improved online visibility and marketing effectiveness. When considering an SEO reseller program, it's essential to choose a reputable partner with a track record of delivering results in the ever-competitive world of SEO.


WebCrew posted Oct 31 '19 at 1:42 am


Hi Adesh smile

I'm just wondering how is it possible to activate the blog? Do you use another blog CMS like Post Leaf or is it just a Codoforum forum category turned into a blog? If so, could you please explain to me (and the community) how did you do that?

Thank you very much and best regards from Germany to Ireland smile


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