Thanks for this message - unfortunately I haven't seen anyone from the Codologic Team @admin @adesh since the beginning of this year 2023 here in the community or else I didn't realize they were here - I don't know what's going on.
The Codo team is otherwise always trying to fix all errors and support requests as well as spam in the community immediately and promptly.
Apparently I am the only one removing spam here at the moment and trying to keep things tidy but I'm not a developer nor do I have access to the Codoforum development environment - I am just a volunteer Moderator here.
So we have to be patient and hope that everything will be ok again soon.
It is quite possible that I am wrong and that everything is ok - I hope so.
Kind regards, Andreas 
Thanks for this message - unfortunately I haven't seen anyone from the Codologic Team @admin @adesh since the beginning of this year 2023 here in the community **or else I didn't realize they were here - I don't know what's going on**.
The Codo team is otherwise always trying to fix all errors and support requests as well as spam in the community **immediately and promptly**.
**Apparently** I am the only one removing spam here at the moment and trying to keep things tidy but I'm not a developer nor do I have access to the Codoforum development environment - I am just a volunteer Moderator here.
So we have to be patient and **hope that everything will be ok again soon**.
It is quite possible that I am wrong and that everything is ok - **I hope so**.
Kind regards, Andreas ;) Community for creative people - JOIN it Now please My GitHub account Lots of Web-Tools and Utilities for free
edited Mar 10 '23 at 2:50 pm