Hallo @admin & @adesh
a long text but please read it, I think its worth it.
I have been following your developer path for many years and am a staunch user of Codoforum and FreiChat. All in all, I am very satisfied and I like Codoforum. It just makes me a little sad that your efforts are falling by the wayside and Codoforum is not getting the attention it deserves.
Just today I visited "Flarum ". I was last there about a year ago and it was interesting but still unstable and there were only a handful of extensions. Today I visited it again and was shocked - Flarum is stable and there are hundreds of plugins in this short time. What annoys me most about it is the fact that the layout and the basic idea of Flarum was certainly inspired by Codoforum - it's very similar to that.
New way of making money:
What do you think of going "Open Source" with Codoforum and throwing it on GitHub? Dont say no right now, read a little further please.
I am of the opinion that you could earn a lot more money if you put a little advertising slyder (I did something similar for HumHub and the community loved it) under the categories sidebar in Codoforum. In this slyder you could, for example, permanently integrate your advertising from a hosting company (they pay very good professionals for referring new customers).
You could include this Slyder in the license and your advertising, as well as your copyright text, may not be changed. Of course, the Slyder should also be usable for Codoforum users as an advertising Slyder, in this way the admin community would not find it disturbing but useful and your hosting commercial will be shown on hundreds if not thousands of Codoforum installations .
Apart from that, Codoforum could then get the full attention of the GitHub community.
I think that would be a breakthrough and would even bring you a lot more income in the end.
Think about it please.
Kind regards, Andy 
Update: on that screenshot you can see my Ads Panel (slyder) Plugin which I did for HumHub.
**Hallo** @admin & @adesh
a long text but **please read it**, I think its worth it.
I have been following your developer path for many years and am a staunch user of **Codoforum** and **FreiChat**. All in all, I am very satisfied and I like **Codoforum**. It just makes me a little sad that your efforts are falling by the wayside and **Codoforum is not getting the attention it deserves**.
Just today I visited "[Flarum](https://flarum.org/ "Flarum") ". I was last there **about a year ago** and it was interesting but **still unstable** and there were only **a handful of extensions**. **Today I visited it again** and was **shocked** - **Flarum is stable** and there **are hundreds of plugins** in this short time. What** annoys me most about it** is the fact that **the layout and the basic idea** of Flarum was certainly **inspired by Codoforum** - it's very similar to that.
### New way of making money:
What do you think of going "**Open Source**" with **Codoforum** and throwing it on **GitHub**? **Dont say no right now, read a little further please.**
I am of the opinion that you could earn **a lot more money** if you put a **little advertising slyder** (I did something similar for HumHub and the community loved it) under the categories sidebar in Codoforum. In this slyder you could, for example, **permanently integrate your advertising from a hosting company (they pay very good professionals for referring new customers)**.
You could include this Slyder in the license and your advertising, as well as your copyright text, **may not be changed**. Of course, the Slyder should also be usable for **Codoforum users** as an advertising Slyder, in this way the admin community **would not find it disturbing but useful** and your **hosting commercial** will be shown on hundreds if not thousands of **Codoforum installations** .
Apart from that, **Codoforum could then get the full attention of the GitHub community**.
I think that **would be a breakthrough** and would even bring you **a lot more income** in the end.
Think about it please.
Kind regards, Andy :)
**Update:** on that screenshot you can see my Ads Panel (slyder) Plugin which I did for HumHub.

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