installing codoforum for the first time

I am trying to install the codoforum software on my mac for the first time. I am not a coding expert, and the docs I am able to find, aren't descriptive enough for me to follow. I've installed the v.4.9.4 -- but now what do i do? any help is much appreciated!

I am trying to install the codoforum software on my mac for the first time. I am not a coding expert, and the docs I am able to find, aren't descriptive enough for me to follow. I've installed the v.4.9.4 -- but now what do i do? any help is much appreciated!

So you have installed it already or what? With what exactly do you need further help now please? Or which of the documentation steps do you not understand?

Kind regards, Andy smile

So you have installed it already or what? With what exactly do you need further help now please? Or which of the documentation steps do you not understand? Kind regards, Andy :)

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