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Unlisted Categories

Unlisted Categories, instead of role-locked.

Only moderators and above should be able to see it, however if anyone gets a direct link it should let them see it.

Unlisted Categories, instead of role-locked. Only moderators and above should be able to see it, however if anyone gets a direct link it should let them see it.


Why not simply make a new user-group and push the "special user" to the new group with for example moderator rights? Its easy as that smile

Why not simply make a new user-group and push the "special user" to the new group with for example moderator rights? Its easy as that :) Community for creative people - JOIN it Now please My GitHub account Lots of Web-Tools and Utilities for free

So I can give a link to people and they do not have to register a account to view it or login.

So I can give a link to people and they do not have to register a account to view it or login.


The trick with a new user group does only work with registered members.

The trick with a new user group does only work with registered members. Community for creative people - JOIN it Now please My GitHub account Lots of Web-Tools and Utilities for free

Unlisted Categories, instead of role-locked.
Only moderators and above should be able to see it, however if anyone gets a direct link it should let them see it.

This don't make sense at all. If you want to unlisted a category for common user, only visible to moderators and above, why make it available for view with a direct link? Makes no sense and breaks the privacy of the unlisted category.

I now understand what you want. Hide a category from categories list, but still leaving it viewable via url. This would need a new option on category permissions to hide category from list. @admin , it's a nice suggestion. Add to the list smile

>Unlisted Categories, instead of role-locked. Only moderators and above should be able to see it, however if anyone gets a direct link it should let them see it. This don't make sense at all. If you want to unlisted a category for common user, only visible to moderators and above, why make it available for view with a direct link? Makes no sense and breaks the privacy of the unlisted category. **_EDIT_** I now understand what you want. Hide a category from categories list, but still leaving it viewable via url. This would need a new option on _category permissions_ to hide category from list. @admin , it's a nice suggestion. Add to the list ;)

BlackBerry enthusiast, entrepreneur, web developer, geek with glasses and enlightened agent!

edited May 27 '20 at 12:14 pm


Yes, we are thinking of adding it as a feature but the requirement of only moderator being able to see it but still being accessible by normal users is a little complicated.
For now, making it unlisted is relatively simple by providing an option as you suggested @quenquen

Hi, Yes, we are thinking of adding it as a feature but the requirement of only moderator being able to see it but still being accessible by normal users is a little complicated. For now, making it unlisted is relatively simple by providing an option as you suggested @quenquen
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