Hi Community
If You want that Your users will get redirected to the forum home and not to profile page then follow my simple tutorial, please.
To edit the following file use a code Editor like Notepad++ or Sublimem both are free):
Open: codoforum\sites\default\themes\default\templates\user*login.tpl
Go to line number 161 and replace the default code - this one*:
window.location.href = codo_defs.url + 'user/profile';
- with that one:
window.location.href = codo_defs.url;
- Now save, upload the file, recache browser and it should do the trick.
Kind regards,
P.S.: If You are using a other Codoforum theme, make sure to check if there is a login.tpl included (if not then all is fine). If yes then do the same with that template, please.
Hi **Community** :)
If You want that Your users will get redirected to the **forum home** and not to profile page then follow my simple tutorial, please.
- To edit the following file use a code Editor like **Notepad++** or **Sublime**m both are free):
- Open: codoforum\sites\default\themes\default\templates\user\**login.tpl**
Go to **line number 161** and **replace** the default code - **this one**:
window.location.href = codo_defs.url + 'user/profile';
- **with that one**:
window.location.href = codo_defs.url;
- Now save, upload the file, **recache** browser and it should do the trick.
Kind regards,
**P.S.:** If You are using a other Codoforum theme, make sure to check if there is a **login.tpl** included (if not then all is fine). If yes then do the same with that template, please.
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