Demo Testing

Let's see how the email notification works for replies to a posting. Would be nice to see the formatted email! smile


Let's see how the email notification works for replies to a posting. Would be nice to see the **formatted** email! (wasntme) ![5e1f5e5081d88](serve/attachment&path=5e1f5e5081d88)


HTML is generally better for marketing emails. Plain text may be better for personal contact. Give people an option to use plain text when receiving Emails. Always offer a plain text version for accessibility reasons.

Kind regards,


@csouth@sixaxisllc.com HTML is generally better for marketing emails. Plain text may be better for personal contact. Give people an option to use plain text when receiving Emails. Always offer a plain text version for **accessibility reasons**. Kind regards, Andy

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@forumdemo@mailinator.com You first have to assign "Upload Types" and "Mime Types" at the admin backend - then You will be able to upload what ever you have allowed to upload.

Kind regards, Andy

@forumdemo@mailinator.com You first have to assign "Upload Types" and "Mime Types" at the admin backend - then You will be able to upload what ever you have allowed to upload. Kind regards, Andy

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