Google SMTP settings update

Hallo Community,

our superhero and Codologic mastermind smile@admin (Adesh) has answered a topic of a user who had problems with his SMTP settings. I thought it would be a good idea to share Adesh`s answer at the tutorials section of CF.

Here we go:


Gmail has made its SMTP authentication more strict. You will have to do two things:

Open security checkup : https://myaccount.google.com/u/1/security-checkup

There it will probably show a critical issue saying there was a recent sign in from a server (your server)
You need to say it was you and allow access.

Then you need to allow access from 3rd party apps by enabling this setting:

If you have multiple gmail accounts, make sure you are doing above steps using the account that you have configured in codoforum.

Another thing you can try is change protocol to tls and port to 587

**Hallo Community**, our superhero and **Codologic** mastermind :) @admin (**Adesh**) has answered a topic of a user who had problems with his SMTP settings. I thought it would be a good idea to share **Adesh`s** answer at the tutorials section of CF. **Here we go:** Hi, Gmail has made its SMTP authentication more strict. You will have to do two things: Open security checkup : https://myaccount.google.com/u/1/security-checkup There it will probably show a critical issue saying there was a recent sign in from a server (your server) You need to say it was you and allow access. Then you need to allow access from 3rd party apps by enabling this setting: https://myaccount.google.com/u/1/lesssecureapps If you have multiple gmail accounts, make sure you are doing above steps using the account that you have configured in codoforum. Another thing you can try is change protocol to tls and port to 587

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edited Oct 31 '19 at 1:54 am
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