Have some feedback and input to share? Don't be shy and drop us a note. We want to hear from you and strive to make our site & products better and more user friendly for our guests and members alike.
You're getting a lot of post now... would be good for a new guy like me to search them for tips rather than asking again.. (no i wont look at all post on all pages - im too lazy)
I want that you integrate freichatx with QTF jomsocial template.For the integration i ask in suburbaNS forum and their reply is About freichat, if they provide the API that would launch the cahtbox from a webpage, i will be more than happy to integrate it Please, see this for a reference http://www.cometchat.com/knowledgebase/developers-api/launch-chat-box-dynamically the address of topic discussion in forum is http://www.suburbans.org/forum/19-beta-testing-releases/1474-qtf-22-nightly-builds?limit=10&start=20#1549
please try to look into this feature it will be good for jomsocial community member Please you can give online friend module for joomla+jomsocial in your next release (5.0) so whenever user click on online friend photo then chat box open with it just like in facebook.It will be great. You are student because i read in one of your post are you interested in doing project with me i am student also if yes then give me your email id i will contact you.
Any chance to include a driver for Mambo? I know it is superseded by Joomla. But with a small (I think) work is one more option to FreiChatX. Also, if the custom driver work with cookies, the FreiChatX work in any platform. (Correct me if I wrong).
Very nice extension for Joomla + Jomsocial developed by you. I really appreciate your work but it would be even great if it would allows saving conversation as a text file.
Very nice extension for Joomla + Jomsocial developed by you. I really appreciate your work but it would be even great if it would allows sending conversation to user mail address automatically after the end of chat just like the chat in google.
You know the cometchat please try to make plugin for Freichat just like the plugins available in cometchat it would improve Freichat even more and make it standalone in market.
Very nice extension for Joomla you have here, but would be great if it would allows group chat. For example, the ability for admins to create private and public chat rooms to chat with several users at once.