Suggestion Box

Have some feedback and input to share? Don't be shy and drop us a note. We want to hear from you and strive to make our site & products better and more user friendly for our guests and members alike.

Gerry posted Mar 23 '15 at 4:44 pm

Google is stopping with OpenID. Developers need to do it with OpenID Connect.

How this is gonna go? After 20.04.2015 OpenID doesn't work anymore for googleplus.



The last entry in the Codoforum docs changelog lists only what's new in version 3.0 - nothing about the newer versions released since. Updating those may help us understand what new features are available, and what bugs are supposed to have been fixed - and this will help us make suggestions and bug reports that are more relevant and useful to you.

It would also be great to see the Roadmap itself updated.

Many thanks, and keep up the good work!

recent by Gerry  ·  Mar 11 '15 at 9:15 pm

Clicking the "Mark All as Read" button in the forum homepage - the "All Topics" page - also collapses the categories list, hiding the category names and new topic counts. The user is left without knowing whether their click worked. A second click is needed in order to expand the category list again, and see that the pill counters have gone.

This seems to happen because the "Mark All as Read" button was placed in the head of the category list, which is set to function as an accordion trigger. Perhaps the button should either be moved outside that header area - perhaps placed at the bottom of the list? - or the javascript should be fine tuned to function differently if the button is clicked..

recent by adesh  ·  Mar 7 '15 at 10:16 am
Gerry posted Mar 4 '15 at 4:26 pm

Could this be in the future a changeable button/image? And add some space between an image in a post and the read more text/button/image. (I personal would love it when the read more is the same button as "Reply" or "Save/Post" that blue button.)

Many user dont see the read more text, since it is so little and its to close to the topic text.

Or, could you tell me how i change read more into an image simply? Adding a image into the locale doesnt work on that place.

recent by Gerry  ·  Mar 6 '15 at 10:08 am
Gerry posted Mar 1 '15 at 1:36 pm


Cant this be done in some future release?? It's when you are a new user and confirmed your email for the first time. And if you are a user who didn't write any messages on the forum yet.

It looks cleaner to say they are no recent messages or something like that instead of the loading circle and then nothing.

Also, i noticed you changed Latest login into Never some releases back because there was an issue, cant this Never be the time of the registration? Looks cleaner also, i have some user who post 1 thing and never login anymore. Looks strange some users have 1 message and havent been logged in ever.... So i think the registration/confirming time should be the first date at last login.

And then also, the latest notifications are not latest yet, it looks cleaner to show always the latest 5-10 notifics when u press the bell on top.

Hope this could be all integrated into a new release yes please.

Thanks for everything boys!

recent by Gerry  ·  Mar 3 '15 at 12:15 pm
kalyantudy posted Jan 22 '15 at 1:37 pm

We have integrated the platinum version of the chat in our website its not loading at first instance when user login and its not showing his friends properly when they come online

The file sharing option and the rtl are not visibile

The file sharing in chat room works for firefox not chrome

The file sharing is not working properly sometimes the icon is show and sometimes its not

In chrome file sharing not works some times while in firefox it works and vice versa

sometimes the files sharing form is blank it does not work in both browsers

The moderation page in the back end is blank

I kindly ask to please check it on our website your self by registering and let me know

Walter98 posted Dec 25 '14 at 8:09 pm

Hello Adesh!

Suggestion for translations:

In our system we already use it with success for years:

Each text that appears on the front end, is in our php program, a reference to a language text file that was selected when the user log in.

It would make it possible to each user, at the same time, see the chat/forum in his preferred language, just selecting it at log in.


1-) In our php file: <p>< =GLOBAL_BTN_PRINTDETAILS;?></p>

A) If the user select English at log in, it will refer to

define('GLOBAL_BTN_PRINTDETAILS', 'Details'smile;

At the front end it will show as Details

B) If Brazilian Portuguese is selected, it will refer to:

define('GLOBAL_BTN_PRINTDETAILS', 'Detalhes'smile;

At the front end it will show as Detalhes

C) If Italian is selected:

define('GLOBAL_BTN_PRINTDETAILS', 'Dettagli'smile;

At the front end it will show as Dettagli

Each language is at a separated file (en.php, it.php, br.php, and others).

It makes it easy to translate and add different languages.

A few months ago I gave you FTP access to our system,when you kindly provided the installation of Platinum Freichat. The connection is still working, just in case you want to take another look on how we solved this problem.

if you want to develop this in Freichat and/or Codoforum, I would gladly contribute with translation for Portuguese.

Wish you a nice day


recent by adesh  ·  Dec 26 '14 at 6:28 am
Gerry posted Dec 19 '14 at 4:19 pm

Is it a option,

to have on index, like read more have an read reactions if there are reactions, that bumps you to the first reaction?


Read more / Read reactions (if there are reactions)

Read more (if there are no reactions)


Read reactions (if there is no read more to display)

the read reactions is directing to the first replay, or better: the last reaction since last view (if you viewed the topic already when login).

Its lovely for topics that are from yourself, but also if you are in a large topic with a huge opening post.

Would love to hear some suggestions from you for this, maybe its nothing, well at least i tried to bring it up smile

Greets and keep it coming!

recent by adesh  ·  Dec 20 '14 at 3:25 pm
Gerry posted Dec 18 '14 at 9:51 pm

I would love to have a extra block space in here:

Like above in between them, or a block under "Oneindig scrollen".

Its for some advertising space, would love to have that option in the backend next release!

Thanks for if its possible.

recent by Gerry  ·  Dec 20 '14 at 8:26 am
rychlics posted Dec 17 '14 at 8:53 am

In order the user frontend looks the more simple as possible, maybe you can hide by default the settings "Notification level", "Hide topic messages" and "Enable infinite scrolling".

A button with by example an gear icon allow to show these settings by expanding the left panel. It saves place at the screen.

The more important for the user is to have the finder tool, the name, the icon and the short description of the topic and some statistics data.

Else, another solution can be to hide only the "Notification level" and the "Enable infinite scrolling" because the "Hide topic messages" can be usefull in direct access.

recent by rychlics  ·  Dec 17 '14 at 10:25 pm
Gerry posted Dec 17 '14 at 2:26 pm


I would love to have an option to delete the bump on index.

So if someone comments on a 10month old topic, and i delete that comment, that topic is not shown anymore on top of the recent messages (index).

Now i deleted a comment but that topic is shown on top of the index also it says latest comment: byname, while i deleted that comment.

What should i do.

recent by Gerry  ·  Dec 17 '14 at 8:20 pm
rychlics posted Dec 17 '14 at 8:24 am

I use easyPHP 5.4.6 and the first time i have installed the forum, i got the Fatal error undefined function openssl_random_pseudo_bytes. By default, easyPHP has the extension OpenSSL disabled. This can be wise to alert the beginners to enable OpenSSL in your doc and during the installation process.

recent by adesh  ·  Dec 17 '14 at 5:42 pm
thaGH05T posted Nov 29 '14 at 11:44 am

Hey, maybe I am simply overlooking it, but wouldnt a mark as resolved button be really useful? Forum is truly great but lacks a few widely used bits a functionality. This is particularly would be useful for your own forum.

recent by thaGH05T  ·  Dec 1 '14 at 12:19 am
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