Suggestion Box

Have some feedback and input to share? Don't be shy and drop us a note. We want to hear from you and strive to make our site & products better and more user friendly for our guests and members alike.


i honestly think that CodoForum could take Forum communities and Blog communities by storm.. you have a minimalist forum that is easy and pleasing to look at and work with..

but feature wise is lacking massively.. i know you guys are focusing on alot of stuff related to the permission atm and smaller details.. but i honestly believe that you guys have too work fast to get some more features and more dynamics to the admins and owners of this script.

Some of my suggestions include this..

Upvoting :

basically a way for the users to control which content should be viewed around the community.. this gives the users the feeling of reward when their posts get large amounts of up votes.

it also give the other users the idea that they're directly influenced the site, and makes them feel like they are apart of it. Some of the best biggest sites uses these features and are the reason why they have so many users..

"Facebook with likes" "Reddit with up votes" "Twitter with retweets"

this is a massive feature which i believe should be option in the script.. i would think that the feature that would suit this script the most would be similar to Reddit, with up-votes..


i think the ability to share things is important. on both the out wards sharing to other sites and the inwards sharing towards the Owners site..
for example it should be posible to Share the topics on the site to other communities like facebook, twitter and reddit in a non plugin way..

but at the same time The site should be able to share things from other sites to The codoforum should be importent also, like a built in script on the site that is linked to a button we can give to other sites to automatically share onto the Codoforum script, like the reddit or tweet or facebook sharing button on news websites or youtube, so users could quickly share these pages.

ofcourse none of our sites would be big enough for these sites to add to their sites, but users could add this button too their google chromes, so if they wish to share quickly it will bring them to the posting area with the formatting of the sharing quickly

Friends / subscribed users list:

it should be important to add friends or atleast be able to subscribe too users to follow them if you like their idea's and information, which will post their material on a alternitive News feed perhaps on the users front page, which will have all their friends or subscribes on it.

more interesting navigation for users:

maybe on the phone style site, the menu with all the categories are on the left hand side, which pulls out, so users will not have to go back all the way to the homepage to see other categories and also it keeps them neatly away on the site but still accessible.

on Site wise, with maybe adding the Topic areas on the left hand side, as physiology has alot too do with the layout of a site.. The right side is never as intersting as the left side, (Example would be reddit) and maybe adding another navigation area on the top below the header bar would be intersting also..


Gramlin posted Nov 19 '15 at 9:53 am

Words 'All Topics' -- above the category list -- is a bit confusing to users. Better would be to read 'Categories'

The message 'No topics found matching your criteria!' appears on front page after topics (even if no search made). Perhaps change to 'End of Topics' instead.

Gramlin posted Nov 15 '15 at 5:44 pm

For my forum, no topics are visible for logged out users. So it looks strange to have buttons for topic settings. It might be good to hide them for logged out visitors.

Gramlin posted Nov 15 '15 at 2:57 pm

For users less familiar with forums, I think it should be made easier to open a post.

Rather than just having the post title as a hyperlink, how about using the entire title bar? Or even the previewed body of the post itself?

Intuitively, I feel there is a slight barrier for a novice reader in having to locate a small link when trying to open the post to make a reply.

GTRP posted Sep 2 '15 at 4:47 pm

We should be able to close topics

  • a permission to close topic
  • a permission to allow us to reply on a closed topic And having a checkbox during the creation of a topic to close topic on creation
recent by GTRP  ·  Sep 2 '15 at 7:54 pm
emilio posted Aug 26 '15 at 9:03 pm

Hi, I'm trying to install Codoforum on my Altervista account. I've PHP 5.4 and I thought to go straightforward, but I had this error:

Unable to require /forum/sys//JsonSerializable.php
Fatal error: Interface 'JsonSerializable' not found in /forum/sys/vendor/illuminate/support/Illuminate/Support/Collection.php on line 13

The interested url was [mydomain]/forum/install/index.php?u=/index.php&step=3

recent by emilio  ·  Aug 27 '15 at 11:24 pm
Ori2 posted Aug 12 '15 at 2:30 pm

I am using the script for some kind of thinktank with a small group, to exchange ideas and inspiration and so on.

What i miss, are options to manage the order more flexible.
For example, i would like to set the order of a thread myself, as a creator of a new thread. First newest or, first oldest post. And the possibility to set a post sticky. This is good for thread of collections, like links or images.

The second is, that i want to manage the newsfeed as an administrator (global for all users) to a feed compared like facebook. I don´t wont to see the first post of a thread appears on top, but the last ceated post - so that i see immediately whats new.
I also figured out, that links aren´t working as links in the newsfeed, i´ve to enter the post first.

recent by Ori2  ·  Aug 13 '15 at 9:42 am

Please help!

I am running codoforum 3.2.1

When click on select a cetegory and social login button(eg.facebook,twitter,google) it didnt proceed. On the address bar

When click on select a cetegory it result me nothing, no popup message like here in suggestion box. Please help!

Andrey posted May 4 '15 at 9:35 pm

hi, l think will be very good when sso turn on not only username, login and email from site go in codoforum but roles of siteuser go in codoforum too. Example if user have roles subscribers on site he must have the same role on codoforum avtomaticaly.

recent by adesh  ·  May 5 '15 at 8:10 am
Gerry posted Mar 23 '15 at 4:44 pm

Google is stopping with OpenID. Developers need to do it with OpenID Connect.

How this is gonna go? After 20.04.2015 OpenID doesn't work anymore for googleplus.


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