Suggestion Box

Have some feedback and input to share? Don't be shy and drop us a note. We want to hear from you and strive to make our site & products better and more user friendly for our guests and members alike.

Rens posted Mar 16 '17 at 10:00 am

In the forum, all closed topics are displayed before all the normal topics. This is due to two queries with

ORDER BY  t.topic_status DESC,

in sys/CODOF/Forum/Topic.php on lines 48 and 102.

This means that in large fora users have to go to page 3 or later to see new topics. Can this be fixed?

recent by admin  ·  Mar 21 '17 at 5:29 pm
Rens posted Mar 11 '17 at 11:02 am

There is a character missing on line 266 in the
A "t" is missing in

echo _("Select a date");

It should be

echo _t("Select a date");

This doesn't give any errors, but the engine doesn't recognise it for translation purposes.


Missing three important features :

  1. the user who signs up must agree : privacy policy and terms and conditions.

  2. The user who signs up must have the opportunity to cancel the account.

  3. The comments and topic must be able to be moderated before going to publication.

these are three very important things especially from the legal point of view.

bren posted Apr 15 '16 at 9:14 pm


someone had mentioned adding a tag cloud.. plugin or block

you had said you would add it... any update on this?

it would make finding posts really easy

thanks smile

Tamhoangdk posted Apr 5 '16 at 12:25 am

My web error like this
my web: u can see:
CSS Syntax
animation-delay: time | initial | inherit;

Cấu trúc:


 div {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    background: red;
    position: relative;
    animation: mymove 5s infinite;
    animation-delay: -2s;
    -webkit-animation: mymove 5s infinite; 
    -webkit-animation-delay: -2s;

@-webkit-keyframes mymove {
    from {left: 0px;}
    to {left: 200px;}

@keyframes mymove {
    from {left: 0px;}
    to {left: 200px;}


I just did a new setup and Im making a few seed posts and the tagging system has me really concerned...

for example I made one post that had a list of cities in it and after 5 tags (Im adding one for each city) I cant add any more tags..

not only that, the number of letters in each tag is severely limited

using tags is one of the strongest features in this software, yet the options for using them are SEVERELY limited...

is there any way I can remove these way too limiting restrictions either my editing the php/html or via phpmyadmin?

These limits are making me rethink using this software, and I really like what you are doing here, and want to keep using it!

bren posted Mar 30 '16 at 9:34 pm

Can you please elaborate on how tags are working within search or are they ignored by search, it looks like if I put a tag term in search nothing is returned, is that deliberate or a bug?

Same if I use a # in front of the term, most folks are used to using a # in front of a tag & I notice that its isnt ness here (I like that) but its not very intuitive for folks that are used to # in front of every tag.

Many people use facebook and twitter and the behavior there is to use a # then it is not something that really shows up on the post, just the tag shows.... as you can see from this post the # is part of the tag itself.

Im wondering if the # needs to be filtered out within the tagging system, so regardless of how someone posts the tag, either with or without a # the tagging system reacts the same.

People are used to putting # then the word and a space to create a tag and not hitting enter, can both functions be accommodated? Personally I prefer hitting enter as you have it set up, but for people used to a # then a space it can be confusing and not intuitive. Is it possible for both to work?

My concern also is clicking on #dog as a tag will return different results than if someone uses dog as a tag and just hits enter
(hashtag)dog and dog should both return all the tags with the word dog... hope Im being clear... can you please explain how that works?

bren posted Mar 30 '16 at 9:33 pm

Can you please elaborate on how tags are working within search or are they ignored by search, it looks like if I put a tag term in search nothing is returned, is that deliberate or a bug?

Same if I use a # in front of the term, most folks are used to using a # in front of a tag & I notice that its isnt ness here (I like that) but its not very intuitive for folks that are used to # in front of every tag.

Many people use facebook and twitter and the behavior there is to use a # then it is not something that really shows up on the post, just the tag shows.... as you can see from this post the # is part of the tag itself.

Im wondering if the # needs to be filtered out within the tagging system, so regardless of how someone posts the tag, either with or without a # the tagging system reacts the same.

People are used to putting # then the word and a space to create a tag and not hitting enter, can both functions be accommodated? Personally I prefer hitting enter as you have it set up, but for people used to a # then a space it can be confusing and not intuitive. Is it possible for both to work?

My concern also is clicking on #dog as a tag will return different results than if someone uses dog as a tag and just hits enter
(hashtag)dog and dog should both return all the tags with the word dog... hope Im being clear... can you please explain how that works?

Renoa posted Dec 21 '15 at 2:30 pm

my name is Renoa and i liked this forum so much i added an !

i have a few ideas that might make it easier to navigate an artist lounge (my site is catering to game developers and artists etc)

  1. allow youtube videos and soundcloud clips to be embedded into the body of text (there's a plugin but it doesnt work for me)
  2. ability to hide parts of the text such as a spoiler tag or large chunks of code or nsfw artwork.
  3. when a user uploads images, it is linked to a gallery in their profile page (it can be anything from mp3 files to images etc) nothing fancy, just gathering the user uploads in one page, if possible.
  4. ability for users to add their personal website and information about themselves in their profile page, maybe tags so i can find users by profession or expertise (animator, horror writer, unity) etc
  5. add more than 5 tags

it would also be great to be able to change the permanent url of categories, since i can edit the category name but the permanent URL still uses the old one. for example, if i created a category named (talented-people-art) and changed it to (gallery) it will still point to

thank you for the great system ^^ it is the best i found yet!

recent by Renoa  ·  Dec 21 '15 at 8:57 pm

Could we have (default or optional) links clickable and smileys visible on the front page, even on posts with 'read me' links?

I ask because at the moment I have a 'Welcome' post stuck to the front page. It's short, but the link in it is not active and it is inconvenient for a new user to have to find their way right into the post to see it properly.

(In fact, mark-up generally seems not to display in previews).

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