Suggestion Box

Have some feedback and input to share? Don't be shy and drop us a note. We want to hear from you and strive to make our site & products better and more user friendly for our guests and members alike.

WebCrew posted May 30 '22 at 8:35 pm

Hallo @adesh and @admin

I usually don't write any suggestions or only very rarely. The fact that I enjoy working here as a volunteer (as far as I can) gave me the following idea:

It would be a great feature if it could be possible to create some kind of "article templates" in the admin backend.

What I mean by that is that it allows you to create a fixed template structure for forum posts, for example:

  1. for tutorials
  2. support requests
  3. or reviews
  4. etc.

That would simply be an ingenious feature to bring more order and, of course, a nicer structure to a forum, for which it would be clearer and more uniform.
Furthermore, I think it would give Codoforum a good advantage over most other forum software since the feature is very rare.

What do you think of it - would this be feasible and would you want to tackle it?

Kind regards and thx for your awesome work.

Andy smile

recent by WebCrew  ·  Dec 22 '23 at 8:48 pm
WebCrew posted Sep 3 '22 at 12:47 pm

Hallo @admin and @adesh

I would have thought of something small that could perhaps be integrated with little effort.

You know my dark theme here in the community. How would it be to use this as a kind of day/night theme?

All that would be necessary would be two links in the user menu with one link pointing to the Codoforum standard theme (i.e. light design / day mode) and you could add my theme to the system as a theme and use it as a dark theme via a link. So all you have to do is integrate these two links into the user menu and the theme chosen by the user is then stored in the browser cookie. Bingo ready is the Codoforum Day/Night Mode smile

That would be a little thing that many would be happy about and for me it's ok if you use my theme for it.

Greetings, WebCrew smile

EdwardNigma posted Aug 31 '22 at 10:24 pm

In the documentation have a list of critical third-party domains vanilla Codoforum will need to connect to for features to work

An example of a domain i'd say is critical:
is a example of something i would say is a critical third party domain as if Codoforum is unable to connect to it, then the "Edit Badges" page will not load.

Why this is important:
Codoforum gives the right to self-host forums if you opt for the free plan. (All forum features cannot remove Powered by) (source).

As someone who self-hosts an install of Codoforum myself (Configured an Ubunutu Server myself, setup web server, maintenance, security) I also have to configure the content security policies. And if Codoforum gave a list domains to add to the list so Codoforum works without issue then it'd remove the headache of figuring out which some features do not work (as example from above, the badges not working if is not whitelisted, Freichat not working if also is not whitelisted, and so on.

blockgaming posted Aug 12 '22 at 5:33 am


  • Post drafts does not save entered polls
  • Browser push notifcations does not seem to work
  • When a user is modifying their bio, it adds the HTML code <p></p> to it
  • When a user is modifying their profile and goes under "preferences" it does not show if Show real-time notifications or Show desktop notifications is enabled.
  • When a user clicks on the search bar at the top it auto-jumps up to the top of the forum when scrolling
  • When in the admin dashboard and the user enables "Spam Filter" it changes but refreshes and it shows as if it did not change until the user reloads the page


  • A way to prevent guests from voting twice on a poll if logged out (ex. IP)
  • Use more gender-neutral language during UI elements (ex. polls saying "Can user recast his vote?" (Not major, just more professional language)

Just some things i've noticed playing around with Codo, cheers


Hallo @admin and @adesh

Only recently people from the community wrote to me in the chat where they can delete their account.

This has now led me to propose you to adapt Codoforum and FreiChat to the new laws.

It is the case in the EU and also in the USA that there is now this GDPR and COPA privacy law. This grants community and website users the right to receive their complete data sets, e.g. as a JSON file, and allows users to completely delete their accounts.

Since one of the largest markets for selling scripts, apps, CMS etc. is in Europe and America, it would be really important to adapt Codoforum and FreiChat to these new laws.

Well, that's all I wanted to say apart from that, as always, thank you very much for your work - keep up the good work, you're great! smile

Kind regards, WebCrew smile

WebCrew posted Nov 6 '21 at 3:09 pm

Hallo @admin and @adesh

I would like to make a suggestion here regarding the support, especially if someone
mentioned @admin so the help of an admin.

It's very rare, but sometimes it happens that such admin mentions are overlooked.

How about writing a little script that colors the background of the topic's heading red when someone writes @admin, then you would immediately see where help is needed and nothing can be overlooked.

This is just a suggestion, I don't want to annoy you ok smile I think your support is still very good - but you know how people are, they get frustrated and then quickly infect others with bad opinions.

Example in JS (something like this but also with reaction to mention @admin):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<p id="myPara">Change the Font Color of Paragraph in JavaScript</p>
<button type="button" onclick="changeStyle()">Click Me</button>
function changeStyle(){
var element = document.getElementById("myPara"); = "red";
// = "#FF0000";

Kind regards and thx for your work,

Andy smile

P.S.: That topic got overseen:

recent by WebCrew  ·  Nov 15 '21 at 3:47 am
aaronhall posted May 11 '21 at 7:13 pm

Hey! Not sure if this is where I should post this.

I cannot find anything but could there be two plugins made:

1) Forum Statistics - that shows how many discussions, number of users, etc...?

2) Who's Online - displays what members are currently online.

Please let me know if these are possible.

And maybe have them appear somewhere on the right-hand side at the bottom or across the whole bottom.

3) Share Links below posts to share a topic to social media, like FB, Twitter, Email, Reddit, etc...

recent by admin  ·  May 13 '21 at 7:31 am
WebCrew posted Apr 5 '21 at 11:17 am

Hallo @admin & @adesh

a long text but please read it, I think its worth it.

I have been following your developer path for many years and am a staunch user of Codoforum and FreiChat. All in all, I am very satisfied and I like Codoforum. It just makes me a little sad that your efforts are falling by the wayside and Codoforum is not getting the attention it deserves.

Just today I visited " ". I was last there about a year ago and it was interesting but still unstable and there were only a handful of extensions. Today I visited it again and was shocked - Flarum is stable and there are hundreds of plugins in this short time. What annoys me most about it is the fact that the layout and the basic idea of ​​Flarum was certainly inspired by Codoforum - it's very similar to that.

New way of making money:

What do you think of going "Open Source" with Codoforum and throwing it on GitHub? Dont say no right now, read a little further please.

I am of the opinion that you could earn a lot more money if you put a little advertising slyder (I did something similar for HumHub and the community loved it) under the categories sidebar in Codoforum. In this slyder you could, for example, permanently integrate your advertising from a hosting company (they pay very good professionals for referring new customers).
You could include this Slyder in the license and your advertising, as well as your copyright text, may not be changed. Of course, the Slyder should also be usable for Codoforum users as an advertising Slyder, in this way the admin community would not find it disturbing but useful and your hosting commercial will be shown on hundreds if not thousands of Codoforum installations .
Apart from that, Codoforum could then get the full attention of the GitHub community.

I think that would be a breakthrough and would even bring you a lot more income in the end.

Think about it please.

Kind regards, Andy smile

Update: on that screenshot you can see my Ads Panel (slyder) Plugin which I did for HumHub.


recent by WebCrew  ·  Apr 15 '21 at 7:41 pm

Hallo Community, hallo @admin and @adesh ,

Recently, so-called spamers have managed to enter our forums and leave their dirt behind.

What ideas do you have to prevent this?

There are multiple options, from for example prohibiting single words via a spam control to a two-way login control.

How much effort would a clean forum be worth to you?

Would you agree to a two-way login system or do you think that your users find the extra effort stupid?

What are your ideas and suggestions?

The fact is in any case - the spamers have to go because they suck smile

Kind regards, Andy smile

recent by WebCrew  ·  Feb 1 '21 at 5:16 pm
pupsik posted Jul 29 '20 at 2:39 pm

Got a maybe a silly idea for some time in the future.

When user posts a new topic, it will go to a section called "New Topics"smile not the index page). So, users can vote on it. If, lets say topic gets "5" upvotes, it will than gets to be displayed in a main page under category person created a topic under. If not, it gets burried without showing up. - Sort of, let users moderate whats gets displayed on site according to their needs.

recent by WebCrew  ·  Aug 8 '20 at 12:42 am
pupsik posted Aug 1 '20 at 4:00 am

When browsing topic, and you want to reply to it quick, you have to scroll all the way up to post a comment. Not so great.

If i get some free time or what not, im going to try to add it. Not sure how its set up, opens up in java script? Sucks being out of town, i cant code on my phone.

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