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WebCrew posted Aug 30 '19 at 1:03 am

Hallo Community

because there is no dark theme (style) for Codoforum I created one for myself and I share the result now with the Codo community.

I am not a professional webdesign artist or developer. It is one of my hobbies and even if I love webdesign and already created a lot of projects, I`m sure the theme is far from perfect but it is ready to use.

If You like it or download it give me a thumbs up or leave a comment.

Oh and by the way you are all very very welcome at:

a community for creative people and their hobbies. a free Twitter alternative!
I try to update the theme from time to time and maybe I will integrate some new features too.

Here is the download link - PLEASE dont forget to give me a STAR rating at GitHub thanks mates:

Kind Regards, Andy


recent by WebCrew  ·  Jan 18 '24 at 6:00 pm
AlexaFers posted Mar 27 '20 at 1:42 am

helo,i have a problem with the role action.

I try to login with user and working as usually,but even i try to go to the main page on index.php i got problem with the role of user,administrator but even i try using the moderator role its working and nothing problem happened.Please ur attention guys.Thanks

gonzalo.alvarez posted Jan 25 '22 at 1:07 am

I am starting to use Codoforum.
In the post I use the button to load an image. The image is well loaded on the server, in the correct path, but it is not shown in the post, neither in the initial screen nor when entering the post. Only a link appears with the name assigned to the image.
I've been trying solutions but still can't get it to work.
I am using xampp with php 7.4


Any ideas ?
Thanks a lot
Kind regards


Codologic offers Codoforum, an advanced forum software designed to streamline community management and enhance user engagement. Ideal for businesses, educators, and hobbyists alike, Codoforum provides a modern, user-friendly interface, customizable themes, and robust moderation tools to create safe, interactive online spaces. With features such as real-time notifications, intuitive content categorization, and seamless social media integration, Codoforum empowers administrators to build vibrant communities that foster collaboration and knowledge sharing. Codologic’s focus on functionality and user experience ensures that forum management is both efficient and enjoyable, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to grow their online presence.


I have two queries:

  • How to acquire a CodoForum license? I've seen it somewhere on the site but now I can't find it.

  • On my site only registered users can create post and reply. Now I want to make a category where anyone, even if not registered, can create a post and reply. In that case, I create a category and assign permissions to all users to create new topics, in particular to the guest user.When an unregistered user ( guest ) enters the category, the "New Topic" button appears correctly. Enter to create the post, but when you click the Post button an error occurs.62312ce562435

Any comments or bux fixes?


Hello Everyone,

I'm utilising right now to create an online community for a project, and I'd appreciate some tips on how to increase user involvement through customisation. The forum functions flawlessly, however I believe there is still room for improvement in terms of user interaction and aesthetic appeal.

In particular, I'm curious about:

Customising the Theme: Is there a way to change the default forum layout, colour scheme, or typography? Are there any themes or tools that would improve appearance without compromising functionality?

Features of User Interactivity: I've noticed that a lot of well-known forums have leaderboards, achievements, and medal systems. Are these kinds of gamification elements supported by Codoforum, and if so, how can I use them? If not, is it possible to include outside programs to include these features?

What are some best practices for search engine optimisation on Codoforum? Does my forum have to have a certain plugin installed or configuration to rank higher in search results?

Security and Spam Prevention: Although the built-in security protections are useful, I'm wondering if there are any more actions or plugins that could assist protect the forum from spammers and unsolicited messages in particular.

Your suggestions or success stories about increasing mendix user engagement and personalisation would be much appreciated. Any advice, sources, or samples would be greatly valued!

Thank you in advance.

blockgaming posted Apr 22 '22 at 7:07 am

Hi again, it's been a while.

I was looking around and had a question. Is it possible to have the server send a webhook request, or a few, when someone makes a new topic, and change each request by category (such as posting in a category called 'games' will send one webhook but a post in a category called 'internal' would not.

peterF posted Sep 9 '24 at 2:01 pm

Hello, all!

This is my first post after just joining this discussion, so please forgive me and provide kind assistance if I have posted to the wrong subsection!

I am new here but a real enthusiast and loving this community so far. I have a background in teaching coding and in education and feel I could help with documentation, at least for starters.

As a new member in this forum and wish to share and gain some knowledge. I am looking forward to create my own discussion to resolve my query and gain some knowledge though I have taken part in various discussion which is definitely helped me a lot.

Also in what category should be taken depends on what factors?

Thank you in advance.

drake2k posted Nov 4 '15 at 4:10 am

I'm creating a new thread so as not to hijack someone Else's thread. When visitors access my website they are greeted by the infamous blue box. I'm sure it has something to do with the group chat. I have disabled group chat for visitors and only logged in members can use it (using the ACL) . Logged in members do not get the blue box and are able to use it just fine. I'm currently running the following:

Joomla 3.4.5
Freichat 10
Freichat Plugin v7
php 5.5.22
MySql 5.5.43
Community Builder 2.0.12

I have used both basic and silver themes and the problem persists with both. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

recent by abuhanzala  ·  Sep 9 '24 at 6:36 pm
lahlou posted May 24 '13 at 9:27 am

Can we, in Freichat, see as an Administrator users chat history? For example Seeing the last two days chat...

Also, Can Freichat automatically delete old chat messages? For example, deleting all messages older than 5 days... Or do we have to do it manually?

Thank you

recent by abuhanzala  ·  Sep 6 '24 at 5:54 am

Hello community,

I have been a volunteer moderator here for many years, helping the Codoloic team in the forum.

What's going on right now:

As you have noticed, the development of Codoforum and also the support in the forum have been somewhat limited, or rather, have come to a standstill for the time being.
This is for private reasons, but the Codologic team will get back to it, so you can certainly hope that everything will return to normal - however, I cannot give you a time frame for this. Everyone has good and bad times in life, so please take this into account.

Here you can read more avout the topic:

Do NOT spam and write in ENGLISH please:

Another important topic is spam here and language. Anyone who leaves spam here will have their topic deleted in any case, and if they violate this again, their account will be banned forever!

So please refrain from spamming and the language in the forum is only ENGLISH.

Thank you very much and best regards

Your moderator, WebCrew smile

recent by abuhanzala  ·  Sep 5 '24 at 9:17 am
m@tt posted Oct 1 '23 at 2:56 pm


Is Codoforum still being developed? The forum looks abandoned / unmoderated, the code base not maintained for quite a while (including open CVEs).

I'm looking for a (support) forum to be integrated into my app's landing page, and Codoforum seems to tick all boxes - but I don't want to flog a dead horse...


recent by abuhanzala  ·  Sep 4 '24 at 7:43 am
DavidTierney posted Jul 17 '23 at 6:54 pm

My install uses SSO connected to a WordPress website.

After restoring to a backup of the files and database from a day earlier, site SSO not working, there are two Warnings, the site CSS is obviously not loading. Wondering how to solve this. Any help appreciated.

Warning: file_put_contents(/.../cache/css/5ebdc806ce4da3ce174874d104fba209.css): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /.../sys/CODOF/Asset/Stream.php on line 265

Warning: file_put_contents(/.../cache/js/f9d4002a9858fa2c3ba9f8764c6a9a97.js): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /.../sys/CODOF/Asset/Stream.php on line 265

I have been told that the restored backup of the files did not include the cache, which makes sense why I am seeing those Warnings. So is there a way to generate new cache files? Would that likely get this back up and running?

Boret posted Feb 14 '24 at 11:01 am

Hola, acabo de instalar Codo en mi servidor, pero cuando intenté comenzar a configurar, comencé a recibir muchas advertencias y no me deja hacer nada.
No entiendo mucho sobre código y realmente no sé lo que significan.

Advertencia: session_set_save_handler(): el controlador de guardado de sesión no se puede cambiar después de que los encabezados ya se hayan enviado en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Session/Session.php en la línea 21

Advertencia: session_start(): la sesión no se puede iniciar después de que los encabezados ya se hayan enviado en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Util.php en la línea 97

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica CODOF\Plugin::$db está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Plugin.php en la línea 16

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica CODOF\Smarty\Single::$parent está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Smarty/Single.php en la línea 19

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica CODOF\User\RememberMe::$db está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/User/RememberMe.php en los
encabezados de la línea 13 ya enviados
En desuso: mb_convert_encoding(): el manejo de entidades HTML a través de mbstring está en desuso; use htmlspecialchars, htmlentities o mb_encode_numericentity/mb_decode_numericentity en su lugar en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Format.php en la línea 26

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica Controller\forum::$view está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/Controller/forum.php en la línea 383

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica CODOF\Asset\Stream::$parser está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Asset/Stream.php en la línea 98

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica CODOF\Asset\Stream::$parser está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Asset/Stream.php en la línea 98

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica CODOF\Asset\Stream::$prependURL está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/CODOF/Asset/Stream.php en la línea 166

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica Smarty_Internal_Template::$compiled está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php en la línea 719

En desuso: la creación de la propiedad dinámica Smarty_Internal_Template::$compiled está en desuso en /homepages/27/d949307813/htdocs/codoforum.v.5.2.1/sys/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php en la línea 719

necesito ayuda

smithloo posted Feb 19 '24 at 3:09 pm

I'm a new member
I've found this community on Google
I'm working for a web development and my website [my site]
nice to join the community

recent by jendavis  ·  Jun 4 '24 at 12:30 pm
WebCrew posted May 30 '22 at 8:35 pm

Hallo @adesh and @admin

I usually don't write any suggestions or only very rarely. The fact that I enjoy working here as a volunteer (as far as I can) gave me the following idea:

It would be a great feature if it could be possible to create some kind of "article templates" in the admin backend.

What I mean by that is that it allows you to create a fixed template structure for forum posts, for example:

  1. for tutorials
  2. support requests
  3. or reviews
  4. etc.

That would simply be an ingenious feature to bring more order and, of course, a nicer structure to a forum, for which it would be clearer and more uniform.
Furthermore, I think it would give Codoforum a good advantage over most other forum software since the feature is very rare.

What do you think of it - would this be feasible and would you want to tackle it?

Kind regards and thx for your awesome work.

Andy smile

recent by WebCrew  ·  Dec 22 '23 at 8:48 pm
WebCrew posted Sep 3 '22 at 12:47 pm

Hallo @admin and @adesh

I would have thought of something small that could perhaps be integrated with little effort.

You know my dark theme here in the community. How would it be to use this as a kind of day/night theme?

All that would be necessary would be two links in the user menu with one link pointing to the Codoforum standard theme (i.e. light design / day mode) and you could add my theme to the system as a theme and use it as a dark theme via a link. So all you have to do is integrate these two links into the user menu and the theme chosen by the user is then stored in the browser cookie. Bingo ready is the Codoforum Day/Night Mode smile

That would be a little thing that many would be happy about and for me it's ok if you use my theme for it.

Greetings, WebCrew smile

EdwardNigma posted Aug 31 '22 at 10:24 pm

In the documentation have a list of critical third-party domains vanilla Codoforum will need to connect to for features to work

An example of a domain i'd say is critical:
is a example of something i would say is a critical third party domain as if Codoforum is unable to connect to it, then the "Edit Badges" page will not load.

Why this is important:
Codoforum gives the right to self-host forums if you opt for the free plan. (All forum features cannot remove Powered by) (source).

As someone who self-hosts an install of Codoforum myself (Configured an Ubunutu Server myself, setup web server, maintenance, security) I also have to configure the content security policies. And if Codoforum gave a list domains to add to the list so Codoforum works without issue then it'd remove the headache of figuring out which some features do not work (as example from above, the badges not working if is not whitelisted, Freichat not working if also is not whitelisted, and so on.


Hey PHP developers! We’re a team of passionate PHP users, and we’ve launched a free PHP vulnerability scanner. It detects SQL injections, XSS, command injections, and more.

We’re in beta, and it would be extremely helpful to get feedback from a more professional audience. Please check it here -

We’re looking for any tips, wishes, or constructive criticism you could offer. Thank you!

Julia, CEO on PHP Secure

Warning: session_start(): Failed to decode session object. Session has been destroyed in C:\xampp\htdocs\sys\CODOF\Util.php on line 93

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token "*", expecting end of file in C:\xampp\htdocs\cache\HB\compiled\57397fb48242849719080522fa095531.php on line 2

I've tried reinstalling Xampp, making sure Apache and SQL are both on, and fully reinstalling Codoforum

The file in question begins with:

function lcr62fe908d3e7baraw($cx, $v, $ex = 0)
if ($ex) {
return $v;

blockgaming posted Aug 12 '22 at 5:33 am


  • Post drafts does not save entered polls
  • Browser push notifcations does not seem to work
  • When a user is modifying their bio, it adds the HTML code <p></p> to it
  • When a user is modifying their profile and goes under "preferences" it does not show if Show real-time notifications or Show desktop notifications is enabled.
  • When a user clicks on the search bar at the top it auto-jumps up to the top of the forum when scrolling
  • When in the admin dashboard and the user enables "Spam Filter" it changes but refreshes and it shows as if it did not change until the user reloads the page


  • A way to prevent guests from voting twice on a poll if logged out (ex. IP)
  • Use more gender-neutral language during UI elements (ex. polls saying "Can user recast his vote?" (Not major, just more professional language)

Just some things i've noticed playing around with Codo, cheers

TheGeek posted May 22 '22 at 9:04 pm

Hey @admin it's me again. Hope you're doing great!

Man, I got 2 more problems.

  1. I can't happen to Add or Show Pagination in Tags pages. You see, it's not there by default. And I tried to write my own codes but that didn't work.

  2. Stuffs don't show up for Specify Pages. When I put just 1 path, it works fine. But when I put multiple paths (one per line) it doesn't work at all.


So buddy, can you help me out here? It's driving me nuts.
Thanks in advance!


I'm creating a forum related to a particular, but broad topic, and it needs to have the following specific features:

-the ability to follow individual users and have all their posts AND COMMENTS show up in your main feed.

-the ability to upload/download documents as a post that can be commented under like any other post. (It would also be great if it could somehow be displayed in the post, but that's not essential).

-the ability to search for the document posts based on specific keywords. Not a global site search, but searching within the "documents" sub itself.

-the ability to create private subs.

If anyone could tell me if codologic has those features, that would be great. Thanks!


I'm Hungarian.
I can not speak English.
I have a problem sso.
My website is MTDb - Ultimate Movie & TV Database Script.
My codoforum
mysql database is the same!
My client.php and sso.php files here
I want the user to log in
here "://"
you will be logged in automatically
here is "://"
I don't know what to write here if (USER_IS_LOGGED_IN)!
Please help someone !!!

dilipjadhav posted Jun 2 '20 at 6:45 am

I have a login form i'm trying to get working yet when I hit submit the username and password I type in just disappears! I really have no idea what I broke this time.

Login Form

        <form class="form-signin" action="login.php" method="post">
          <div class="form-label-group">
            <input type="text" name="user" id="user" class="form-control" placeholder="User ID" required>
            <label for="user">Username</label>
          <div class="form-label-group">
            <input type="password" name="pass" id="pass" class="form-control" placeholder="Password" required>
            <label for="pass">Password</label>
          <p>logins are automatically remembered for 60 days. use the <a href="signout.php">signout</a> page to sign out. </p>
          <button class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block text-uppercase" type="submit">Sign in</button>

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